

Wed, 03/27/2024 - 15:23 -- Alson

Been too long.  Several projects in the meanwhile.

Just added 3 from the last 18 months.

Planning a trip to Greece and Italy in May.

Enjoying some time off for now.

Retired - Retread

Thu, 02/25/2016 - 11:17 -- Alson

In Mid November 2015, decided it was time to take life a bit easier.  After 19 years working with Infor/Lawson and 44 years working in various businesses and industries, a more liesurely pace is recommended. 

I'm stil available for short tem assisgnments, le the one a UC Health and an upoming one at Brookhaven. 

Let me know if I can be of assistance on your project(s).





Wed, 07/03/2013 - 09:27 -- Alson

The long delayed entries are coming


This topic will be covered in several sections



                Application Setup


                Trouble Shooting

Busy time over last 8 weeks

Fri, 01/11/2013 - 12:02 -- Alson

It has been a busy time working at a client site, since the week before Thanksgiving. 

Portland Maine and comuting there, have made for winter flying experiences, but working with good, over-stretched personnel.

The plan for the next weeks would be to add blog entries relating to EDI.  This will include Basic Setup, and specific transactions.  Purchase Order (850), PO Acknowledgement (855), Advanced Ship (856), Invoices (810) and Pricing Updates (832).


Thanks for visiting.  Come back for a visit to check out the new information.

Data Verification Toolkit (DVT) Summary

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 14:51 -- Alson

DVT provides a mechanism for data base cleanup by removing orphan records, and by verifying and insuring that data integrity exists between headers and lines and demand records.

For running the report programs, I recommend creating a multiple step job containing all the relevant report jobs; if client is not using work order, there is no need to run the related jobs.

There is overlap of database locks, which prevents running the programs in parallel.

Data Verification Toolkit (DVT) Work Order

Tue, 10/30/2012 - 19:29 -- Alson

WO Orphan Check (WO420) Report Only

This program identifies Orphan record delete candidates.

WO Document Integrity Check (WO421) Report Only

This program verifies that open lines relate to open headers. The program verifies that related demand records exist in the Production Order module.

WO Orphan Record Check (WO430) Update

This program reports and purges orphan records

WO Document Integrity Check (WO431)

Data Verification Toolkit (DVT) Order Entry

Tue, 10/30/2012 - 14:12 -- Alson

OE Orphan Check (OE420) Report Only

This program identifies Headers with no lines and lines with no headers. 

OE Document Integrity Check (OE421) Report Only

This program verifies that open lines relate to open headers. The program verifies that related demand records exist in the Order Entry module.

OE Orphan Record Check (OE430) Update

This program identifies Headers with no lines and lines with no headers and purges orphan records

OE Document Integrity Check (OE431)

Data Verification Toolkit (DVT) Warehouse

Mon, 10/29/2012 - 11:01 -- Alson

WH Orphan Check (WH420) Report Only

This program identifies Inventory Items with no demand records, Headers with no lines and lines with no headers. 

IT Document Integrity Check (WH421) Report Only

This program verifies that open lines relate to open headers. For inventory tracked items, the program verifies that related demand records exist in the warehouse module.

Program also ensures that a demand record exists for the pre-released document header record when the transaction type is IT (Issue Transfer)

Data Verification Toolkit (DVT) Purchase Order

Fri, 10/26/2012 - 11:34 -- Alson

Data Verification for Purchase Order

PO Orphan Check (PO420) Report Only

This program identifies Headers with no lines and lines with no headers. 

PO Document Integrity Check (PO421) Report Only

This program verifies that open lines relate to open headers. It also confirms that open line counters in the header (PURCHORDER) match the number of open lines (POLINE). For inventory tracked items, the program verifies that related demand records exist in the warehouse module.

PO Orphan Record Check (PO430) Update
